Entries by Conrad

Welcome aboard Kitasoo/Xaixais!

Canadas first Indigenous led Coast Guard Auxiliary is delighted to welcome Kitasoo/Xaixais Nation to the Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary family. Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary (W) Inc. was formed with a purpose to protect both mariners and citizens through the forging of strong and lasting partnerships between maritime First Nations. This dedicated group is powered […]

Welcome aboard Nisga’a!

Canadas first Indigenous led Coast Guard Auxiliary is delighted to welcome Nisga’a Nation to the Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary family. Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary (W) Inc. was formed with a purpose to protect both mariners and citizens through the forging of strong and lasting partnerships between maritime First Nations. This dedicated group is […]

COVID-19 Continues

As the situation around COVID-19 continues to evolve, I’m reaching out to share details about how CN-CGA is responding and how we’re ensuring that all  appropriate safely measures are taken.  

Coastal Nations Search and Rescue Course – Bamfield February 2020

CN-CGA is looking forward to attending the Coastal Nations Search & Rescue course – Feb 12-18, in Bamfield, BC . Trainees will develop and exercise small boat specific skills, within the context of SAR missions and environmental response. Learn then practice the techniques involved in recording information, receiving a search action plan from the Joint […]

Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary Inaugural (AGM) 2019

After many months of planning, the big day was there with us. Coastal Nations Coast Guard Auxiliary Inaugural (Annual General Meeting ) and it went without saying the biggest event in the Societies’ calendar.  Key objectives form the meeting complimented our Vision Statement and the current strategic plan, in that we serve the public interest […]

CN-CGA, SAR-Course Fall 2019

Bamfield, BC. CN-CGA members attended the fall 2019 CN-SAR operation of rigid hull type vessels in extreme weather conditions, including seamanship, navigation and search and rescue skillsets. This demanding training tests and sharpens the Crews knowledge, seamanship and leadership abilities with many day/night lectures and operations at sea.

Coastal Nations Advanced Electronic Navigation

CN-CGA members attended the November 2019 Advanced Electronic Navigation (E-Nav) for Fast Rescue Craft Operations & Leadership. Where Crews partook in pilotage, radar and night on the water collision avoidance, honing their Coxswain & Leadership with the knowledge and skills to safely and efficiently carry out those duties.